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12 Ways to Find Joy in Everyday Life Even When Nothing Seems Right

In this present scenario of chaos and depression, looking for ways to find joy is something people don’t even think about. It’s the constant fight to survive or live better that robs us of the ability to be happy. True reality can be awful and it does nothing to help you.

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The feeling of joy is as alien to us as sighting an alien itself. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible. Just close your eyes for a while and imagine warm balmy sunshine coming through your windows and flooding your room. Think about curling up with a book at night with nothing but the sound of a slight breeze and the rustling of leaves. The feeling of well-being, away from all the worries and concerns of life for that instance when you automatically have a beatific smile on your face is called experiencing joy.

Many confuse the feeling of joy with being happy. They are both closely related no doubt, but there is a difference between the two. Happiness is an upsurge of feelings which brings about a burst of pleasure, excitement, and satisfaction. On the other hand, being joyful is more spiritual in nature and long enduring. It deals with mental calmness, contentment, fulfillment and inner peace.


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Being joyful and happy is important for our survival and well being. It has its benefits such as a reduced heart rate, lower (normal) blood pressure, and a stronger immune system. Experts say people who are blessed with positive emotions report less aches and pains, exhibit less health conditions and have a longer life span. These 12 ways to find joy will perhaps help you in your trying times.

1. Find meaning

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In the midst of the world wide pandemic, economic loss, routine salary slashes and job loss, it’s hard to find any semblance of Joy in our life. So, what do we do? Even in these hellish conditions we must find a meaning or purpose in our lives. It could be, spending more time with kids whom you miss while slogging at work, you can spend time with your partner and resolve pending issues necessary for the good of the relationship. You can make the hard days’ worthwhile by doing something productive.

2. Make little things more important

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Stop looking at your Instagram pages and envying your school mate who married a billionaire who may be owning a yacht and an island in the Caribbean. This is no time for regrets. Instead try being happy with what you have right now, like your loving family, kids, and a home. When you appreciate the little things that you have, you will feel joy and won’t care about palatial houses.

3. Be grateful for what life has given you, no matter how small.

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One of the ways to find joy is gratitude towards life. It is human tendency to magnify the rough patch in our lives. We think nothing is right and there is no future, …well what future? Psychologists suggest that this is the time to be grateful of the things that you have like your limbs, and mental health. You have roof on your head and hot meals which means never being hungry. In fact, keep a diary and list the smallest things in life you are grateful for. It’s not joys which makes us grateful, but gratefulness which brings us joy.

4. Find something you are passionate about.

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If your days are full of responsibilities and only having to deal with negativity, then time out like 15 minutes to do something you are passionate about. It could be cooking, sewing, gardening, reading, listening to music or even writing a blog. These are your passions of life that will give you joy and a sense of fulfilment. A radio host once said that “finding joy often leads us to understand why you are here and what causes your life to be sustainable, meaningful and purposeful.

5. Set goals beyond of your comfort zone.

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Everyday seems like the repeat of the day prior to that. The same feeling of rejection, hopelessness and depression. Break the cycle do something which you wouldn’t do normally like take a long run in the morning, or do yoga with music and your pet. Make a you tube video. Just break away from your comfort zone. When you accomplish these tasks, they will give you a sublime feeling of joy.

6. Live in the present.

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Living in the present is one of the best ways to find joy in life. Accept the core reason of our anxiety is worry about our future and regrets about our past. Neither of them is in our control. They will pull us away from feelings of joy which is just in the moment, the present. According to a famous counselor, William Schroder, worrying about the future and ruminating over the past just denies us our connection with the present. It just makes us suffer and gives us pain. Learn to live in the present, exist in the now, enjoy the rain falling through the leaves, the thunder and rumble of the clouds instead of worrying about what’s going to happen in the future or what mistakes you made in the past. As the philosophical tortoise Oogway in the movie Kung Fu Panda said, “Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a Mystery but Today is a Gift.”

7. Confront the demons of your past.

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Ruminating about our past is a mistake but sometimes the wounds are so deep that they need to be addressed or they keep festering and spill over into our present. According to psychologists, this creates barriers between us and joy which need to be broken. Seek out a kind therapist, counselor or even a healer who will listen to your past without being judgmental. A person who will nudge you in the right direction to move where you will find joy. You will thrive and feel healed from inside which is the fastest way to pure joy.

8. Be authentic not artificial.

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Don’t get caught up in the world of social media that requires you to adopt artificial behavior to perform for others to like. It can never help you with ways to find joy. This is a fake world you need to leave. It is nothing but a show for the world to see or make them believe how much better you are then others. Are you living to prove others your success or happiness? Why do you need their validation? To achieve that state of joy you’ll have to leave this fake life style and be more organic but we tend to forget about it under the barriers of our false lifestyle. Indulge in social media purely for work and business or stay in touch with family and friends.

9. Volunteer for something. It gives you a sense of purpose.

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The pleasure of giving is more than receiving and it’s not just a cheesy holiday quote. It applies to our lives every single day. When you do good for others, it has a positive effect on your mental health and induces a sense of emotional well-being through self-satisfaction. This is because you find a sense of purpose and fulfillment, all factors that lead towards experiencing joy.

10. Make the nature connection

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Nature is one of the best ways to find joy. Go outside, run on the beach, walk bare foot in the park and soak in the  sun, these are  advice which psychologists give you. Have a walk-through woods and nature for a while. Those who are always trapped in a city, in a concrete jungle are often anxious, ruminate and prone to negativity because of stress. On the other hand, nature lovers are more positive , feel good and are efficient at tasks.

11. Surround yourself with positivity

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As much as you would not like believing it, there could be several toxic elements around you preventing you from ways to find joy. Being surrounded by pessimists can make you feel unhappy and disillusioned with life. Toxic people could be among your family, your friends or even at work. In case you cannot avoid people altogether, reduce interaction with them that will not trap you into moments of unhappiness. If your present job is emotionally wrecking you, find a new one. Bonding with positive people influences like minded thinking. Positive vibes give you a happier outlook to life and your role in it; Happier people also create deeper friendships and stronger social connections.

12. Learn to laugh

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it is simple. You cant speak of ways to find joy without laughter. Laughter is contagious. When you laugh, it releases endorphins that provide you with stress and pain relief. Watch comical movies with your friends and family. Discuss funny things in life. Find the comical angle in upsets and mistakes and above all, learn to laugh at yourself too. It takes a smile to win one.

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