Active Isolated Stretching, the Technique of Oxygenating Your Body for Improved Health

Active isolated Stretching is a unique technique to oxygenate muscles by stretching them for a few seconds only. The route to healthy living is physical activity. Unless you are physically active you will never provide your body with a condition of well being. Physical activity increases energy, reduces tiredness and ensures a good supply of oxygen to different organs. However there are ways and means of oxygenating your body for complete physiological nourishment and good cognitive function.

Active Isolated Stretching, WHAT IS IT?

Active isolated stretching or AIS is a new technique which will give you every factor required for good health. AIS regenerates your body and supplies your muscles with vital oxygen for better function, growth and strength. AIS is a comprehensive technique of stretching exercises that involve muscle stretching in various ways to ensure a compete flow of oxygen to that particular muscle. isolated stretching

An uninterrupted and constant flow of oxygen to a particular muscle spikes up factors that promote muscle health. It works as an instant tonic. It consists of stretches not more than two seconds where a stretch should be completed without initiating the myotatic stretch reflex and the body’s preventive ability to contract a muscle when sensing an abnormality and thus prevent stretching

Benefits of Active Isolated Stretching isolated stretching
  • Invigorated muscles
  • Increases blood flow
  • Oxygenates the entire body
  • Reduces muscle rigidity and atrophy
  • Promotes functionality of underdeveloped muscles
  • Renews health and increases energy
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • Unclogging of arteries
  • Improves oxygen levels to the brain

How AIS helps in muscle recovery.

In typical cases of muscle fatigue, extensive and vigorous workouts causes catabolism of muscles in which muscle protein is broken down. This results in wear and tear and muscle soreness. AIS performed after workouts are great for muscle recovery. Every muscle will receive a renewed dose of oxygen to restore normal function and strength. isolated stretching

The active isolated stretching technique requires one to stretch various muscles and hold the stretch for a period of 2 to 5 seconds. AIS involve general stretching and isolated stretching. Isolated muscles when stretched receive extra oxygen thus nourishing and rejuvenating the muscle.

The physiology of your body is such that it prevents extensive use of muscles. Soreness and wear and tear are the symptoms of such effects. AIS seek to increase the threshold of endurance thus reducing the workout recovery period making your muscles the video below.

Physiological benefits of AIS

  • Spondylitis
  • Muscle recovery
  • Aches and muscle sprains
  • Muscle injuries
  • Oxygenation of entire body
  • Shoulder sprains
  • Hamstring tears
  • Low back pain
  • Carpal syndrome
  • Muscle atrophy
  • AIS and Oxygenation

Oxygenation is a natural health benefit which seeks to improve the flow of oxygen to organs in the body. Every organ in your body requires oxygen to function well. Through AIS you improve this flow where daily stressful activity and lack of exercise reduces oxygen flow causing organs to function slowly. This is the main reason for lethargy and fatigue; oxygenation improves all this and invigorates your body to feature a much healthier disposition. Not only do you get physically fit, your mental well being improves resulting in better cognitive function. Unobstructed flow of oxygen to the brain stimulates your cognitive abilities reducing stress and promoting positive thought. isolated stretching

Do’s and Don’t’s

  • Always position three joint in the direction of the stretch
  • Always do at least 8-10 repletion’s of each stretch
  • Stretch slowly towards irritation then hold for two seconds
  • Do not apply to much pressure on any muscle
  • Always return to starting position after completing a stretch
  • Do not try to prolong a stretch instead go to starting point and repeat the stretch
  • For more complex stretches use an assistant
  • Always breathe and EXHALE during stretches which promotes further oxygenation
  • AIS Will Give You a New Lease of Life

The unique factor of Active Isolated Stretching is such that you can even formulate your own stretches once you get experienced in the technique. Stretching always helps the body in number of ways. AIS takes stretching to a new level of recovery where your muscles will get more than their share of nourishment through oxygenation.. Moreover the increased benefits of AIS and oxygenation improve cardiovascular activity giving you a stronger heart. isolated stretching

Forget about the motto “no pain no gain” No exercise should ever put your muscles and body parts in a dangerous position with excess force that can lead to injury. Your body has limitations and exercise is meant to increase those limitations of your muscles not injure them.

For comprehensive details on active isolated stretching at or watch another video below by Adarsh Williams where you can even stretch at home.

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