Five Effective Ways to Manage Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety is an increasing issue and the biggest mental health problem  worldwide. Anxiety disorder now affects millions worldwide, but there is good news – It can be managed. Life is more complex and peer pressure increasing. Stressful lives make people fall within the cracks of society, increasing the risk of anxiety attacks. once you are diagnosed with anxiety disorder or depression you may feel as if you’re in a downward spiral from which you can never escape.

But there are ways to get out of this vicious cycle. With motivation and willingness, you can break the chains of social and emotional bondage weighing you down. You don’t need to suffer anxiety forever.  In a way, anxiety is a tool that makes humans stronger than other animals as it means the fear of future. It prepares us for any eventuality that could prove life-threatening. But in this day and age when mortal fear for daily survival is not real anymore, anxiety takes a more insidious form.

Our human instinct makes us worry about health, family, jobs, career, and even the weather…the list is endless! The worst part is anxiety always attacks when you’re trying to relax, like at the end of a hard-working day, sitting alone and enjoying your coffee or when you’re lying down in the bed to take that much-needed rest. Anxiety in such cases even causes insomnia or makes many afraid of being alone with our thoughts which are always negative. But no more! Here are 5 ways you can fight this demon.


The difference between a panic attack and an anxiety attack

The main difference between the two is how anxiety develops gradually frequently brought on by external triggers. Panic attacks on the other hand occur suddenly and unexpectedly. Physical signs of anxiety can include a racing heart and stomach cramps. However, compared to a panic attack, which has highly intense but fleeting symptoms, these symptoms are typically less severe and persist longer.

Combat anxious thoughts.

Anxious thought has the tendency to feed off us like tentacles engulfing you from all sides and shackling your brains. If you don’t hack off its limbs, you’ll go insane! It has a nasty snowball effect which keeps getting bigger and scarier as it increases negative thoughts and fears. So, how do you stop?

Be mindful! When you begin feeling anxious, immediately ask yourself, “this scary scenario which my brain is playing, is it real or just my imagination?” Stop justifying your fears with past experiences or fear of the future, just think about the present and ask what’s the reality of the situation is? just think that the present is safe and there is possibility of no fear and anxiety NOW.

The second approach to fight this issue head on is to immediately start writing down things which worry you. Ask yourself what are you doing about it or what are the possible steps you can take? This will bring out the problems from its abstract form to rational reality on paper. It can then be dealt with in a positive way which is better than letting it stew in your head forever.

Meditate and breathe.

Meditation and deep breathing calms your nerves and is good for anxiety. It might seem a bundle of useless advice but it really works. If you have regular panic attacks you should take up yoga or mediation seriously and regularly. If you think mediation is not your cup of tea, try deep breathing exercises instead. This will help you relax especially before a meeting or exams and even when you’re about to sleep. The best part is you can do this whenever you feel stressed and your nerves will thank you for it.

READ: 3 yoga stretches that can help you sleep

Release feel-good brain chemicals.

Serotonin and endorphins are feel good enzymes that can be released through exercise. They make you feel happy, and energetic. Exercise heats up your body and releases the tensions in your muscles to make you feel good. In increases focus on the immediate environment around you, not on your past or future.

Try natural remedies.

Everybody knows the good effects of green tea or herbal tea on our system but we still chose to ignore it for a shot of vodka or coffee. Well put your foot down and start drinking something like Valerian root tea or chamomile and lavender tea instead. These have a calming affect on your system, by releasing the tension and stress to help you relax. They are good for sleep too.

READ: 5 surprising natural foods that will help you sleep all night long

Avoid caffeine.

If you suffer anxiety and panic attacks, then caffeine is not good for you. It increases stress and anxiety levels increasing the risk of panic attacks. Coffee stimulates and increases nervous energy, restlessness, and irritability. It also harms your natural sleep cycle one of the reasons for anxiety. Sleepless night cause continuing bouts of fatigue, anxiety,  depression, and anger, do you really want that? 

If anxiety attacks are frequent, severe, or significantly impact your daily life, it’s important to seek professional help. A mental health professional can provide you with effective strategies, such as therapy or medication, tailored to your specific needs.


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