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10 Remedies To Get Relief From Joint Pain

There are a hundred different types of arthritis that can attack and affect us for life. For those who know, this condition causes severe inflammation, pain, and swelling in joints of our bodies making simple movements like walking or getting up from the bed an ordeal. Osteoarthritis is the most common among all the victims of this life unsettling condition. It causes the cartilage lining of our bones to weaken causing swelling, stiffness and intense pain.  Here some home remedies and some lifestyle changes which along with regular medication can actually slow down the progression of this bone degeneration. In fact, if followed religiously it can actually stop the regression of our bone health.

1. Change your diet

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The usual diet in the western world is full of sugar, fat and refined flour which causes intestinal permeability, that is, it makes our mucous membranes inside the intestines to allow harmful bacteria to reach and seep into our blood flow. Automatically our immune system generates attacks on its own tissues unintentionally which in the long run results in some sorts of arthritis.


Changing your diet completely is one of the remedies to relieve joint pain. Make healthier choices like fruits, legumes, vegetables, and whole grains can actually stop and reverse conditions that encourage the growth of arthritis. In fact, sugar and starchy stuff or deep-fried items should be avoided completely along with processed meat and gluten-rich food items. A normal healthy diet produces enzymes in our body which actively fight against any sort of internal inflammation and joint pains.

2. Control your body weight

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According to the Arthritis Foundation, it is an established fact that every extra kilogram in your body is multiplied by 3 times in your knees and multiplied by 6 times on our hips. This extra weight which our knees and other joints have to support breaks the cartilages and the fine ligaments making us suffer the worst of arthritis pain. Reducing weight means lowering the stress on our joints and also the automatic reduction of pains and aches.

3. Use hot and cold seed pads

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According to studies, applying both hot and cold pads on the affected regions can improve the condition of arthritis. As one of the remedies for joint pain, heat improves circulation and reduces stiffness while cold compress releases endorphins which produce the feeling of wellbeing. The reduction of temperature decreases nerve sensitivity and overactive response, reducing pains and providing joint pain relief along the way. These pads can be made at home by using a cotton cloth filled with legumes, oats, rice or corn grains as they all reserve heat and cold for a long time. They can be heated up in a microwave or cooled in a refrigerator. Heat application should not exceed 20 minutes while cold compress should not exceed 10 minutes at maximum.

4. Give massage a try

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According to the findings by the Arthritis Foundation, a moderate massage on a regular basis has brilliant results for joint pain relief. It is known to reduce pain, increases joint flexibility and gives more grip strength to the muscles. It results in greater freedom in movement and freedom from pain too. Massage decreases the production of stress-associated hormones called cortisol and also slows the transmission of pain signals to the brain.

In fact, massages increase the production of serotonin, which helps the upliftment of mood which further mitigates the pain of the joints so get your joints and back massaged regularly at home of professionally if possible.

5. Consume omega-3

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Omega 3 fatty acids reduce internal inflammation and regulate our immunity which further reduces the symptoms of arthritis. Omega 3 Fatty acids also have other significant functions in our body besides being one of the remedies for joint pain. It increases metabolism and promotes fat burning at a higher rate thus reducing weight. This reduces the pressure on our knees and joints thereby reducing joint pain as well.

We can replenish our body with these fatty acids by eating nuts, cold-water fish like Tuna, sardines or salmon. Hemp seeds also help as it releases oils which reduces inflammation inside our muscles and tendons.

6. Practice meditation

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Since meditation is effective in stress reduction it automatically helps fight against arthritis as well making it one of the remedies for joint pain. Meditation improves the quality of life by reducing pain, morning stiffness and relieving inflammation. Among remedies for joint pain, meditation also increases our mental capacity to cope with illness and pain and increases strength. It is also very important to keep depression at bay which usually attacks chronic pain patients. Start with 10 minutes of meditation a day till you can stretch it to 45 minutes if possible, according to your schedule.

7. Take vitamin D

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As per studies, people suffering from arthritis have been found to lack  Vitamin D necessary for bone health and the immune system. Exposure to the sun on a daily basis is the best natural way to absorb vitamin D as among remedies for joint pain, also you can eat food that contains vitamin D in generous dosages like fish, dairy products, eggs, avocadoes, and mushrooms. If unavailable then you can take medically certified vitamin D supplements too. It is important to maintain normal levels of vitamin D.

8. Get some sunshine every day

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Contrary to popular belief you don’t need a blazing sun in a vast open field to get vitamin D. You can get the benefit of the sun even on an overcast day and wearing normal clothes. There is no need to strip down to your bathing suit to absorb sun rays. In fact, daily morning walks for 30 minutes in the sun can absorb enough vitamin D needed for 2 weeks!

If you are already a victim of arthritis then you must expose yourself to the sun for at least a few minutes daily and take care not to overdo it. Scientific evidence found that many people who suffer from joint pain were also found to be living in lower latitudes with scarce sunshine, high humidity, and rain.

9. Add ginger to your meals

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Ginger roots have a component called gingerol which inhibits the cholesterol growth, which further causes inflammation in the systems. In fact, its strong phytochemicals actually fight against the progression of arthritis. It’s also safe to add it in your daily diets as well be it in the powder of crushed form, it adds taste to the food as well as reduces pain and swelling too.

10. Use arnica

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Arnica is helpful among remedies for joint pain. Those who are uninitiated, Arnica is a pretty flower with potent anti-inflammatory properties. Its components act as a hindrance to pain, stiffness, and swelling caused by arthritis. Arnica Montana is available in gel or cream form in any botanical or herbal shops. Just make sure to buy the combinations which are non-addictive and 100% natural.


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