Life quotes are like sharp swords which rip through the Gordian knots of noise and distractions all around us and reveal the naked truth in front of us whether we like it or not. These beautiful quotes are abundant on the internet which can be used in 2 ways either use it as fluff to impress others with your pseudo-intellectualism by making it your FB or Instagram page or read them, write it down and start following them and trust me they have the power to change your entire life.
Here are some gem of life quotes if understood and interpreted properly can change lives forever.
The Triviality Trap
“We are all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities; we are eaten up by nothings”
…Charles Bukowski
The irony behind this quote is that we intelligent humans are being eaten up from within by seemingly useless and insignificant issues of life and apparently the bigger issues, the real problems we face stoically wither away by the termites called trivialities of life. Life can be tragic only if we choose it to be and waste it instead. Focus on bigger issues rather than waste time on trivialities.
Reverse This Equation
“You are mortal in everything you fear and immortal in everything you desire”
We humans like to reverse the universal truth according to our convenience and ego and try to pretend the cosmic truth just does not exist at least not for us. Death is coming for all of us yet we behave we have all the time in the world while but wait to sit and have a cup of coffee with your school friends…you are too busy and do not have time! The trick is to live each day as your last and then your fear of death keeps getting less. It never goes away but after some years when you have achieved your milestones of life you won’t bother about dying either. Because you have the satisfaction of having lived the life your own way doing what you love and living with people who loved and love you.
Don’t Sit on the Sidelines, Do This Instead
“If you see fraud and do not say fraud, you are a fraud”
….Nassim Taleb

Society feeds us bullcrap. From time immemorial, our families and societies have conditioned us to be victims and trained us to be helpless. Society stifles our mental growth and mobility and we fall in the trap always. We believe in the news which is nothing but propaganda dividing societies across the world. In reality, all we really want is simple things like love, family, joy, meaningful work, and simple life. So, look beyond this fraudulent smog and see the clarity of life and move towards it no matter what people say because those who you think can save you are all frauds.
Never, Ever, Ever Let This Happen To You
“Remember this, the world wants to assign you a role, and once you accept the role you are doomed”
….Robert Greene
Be honest to yourself have you accepted the role the society gave you? Have you mastered the art of making your own decisions, are you a free individual?
The answer in most of the cases is yes. Get an education from a good school be an ACE student then get into a great university so that you bag a prestigious job which would let you own a nice house with a white picket fence and have a nice wife and 2.5 kids.
This dream of a little box on the hillside is your beliefs and what you as an individual have been conditioned for by society, by your parents, by peers. While many are happy in their little boxed lives, others try to break out. It can be hard to unlearn but it’s not too late, do not try to fit in when you are not meant to be. Easier said than done but it will save you a lifetime of regrets and sorrow.
Seriously…You Really Do This?
“You want the praise of people who kick themselves after every 15 minutes. The praise of people who despise themselves”
…..Marcus Aurelias.

Among life quotes, this quote really hammers the nail into our thick skulls that how stupid it is to care about what other thinks of us or how important their approval is to you in reality. We are always worried about our own image, our career, growth, looks and have no time to think about others, the same applies to everyone else. You may think you are the center of the universe in your world but it’s not true about others and it’s wrong to think that they sit and judge us all the time from their ivory towers. Because those who judge may be just as insecure as anyone else. Just do not take yourself so seriously because no one else does too.
The Recipe for Success in 2019 and Beyond
“Following your general curiosity is better than following whatever makes money”
“The internet has massively broadened space for possible careers. Most people do not understand this”
…..Naval Ravikant
In 2019 you really do not have any excuse to be a loser in life because there is so much to do which was unthinkable even 10 years back and it’s all because of the internet. You can be a YouTube celebrity, write a book on Amazon, be a motivational speaker or blogger for depressed people. Take classes from Yale and Harvard for free or create an e-commerce store, the possibilities are endless. Just come out of the victim mentality and just start to hustle.
Are You Ready to Understand the World?
“The matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy, but when you are inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, lawyers, teachers, carpenters. The very mind of people we are trying to save, but until we do, these people are still part of the system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it,”
No matter how much you try to explain this reality to people they will not change maybe you’ll lose a friend or a relation in the process instead. People cling on to the status quo and will fight to the death to keep up the façade. Instead of trying to change people, try to change yourself and talk to those who see the world like you, the rest can just run on the Guinea pig train.
The problem is many people fall into the trap of complacency without having suffered any intense setback form their challenges. They don’t take pleasure in their personal circumstances and are not impacted by their failures or dissatisfaction to want to change. It is up to you to take your lows and let them influence you to the point of saying, I don’t want this F@@@ing life anymore, I want to change. Don’t be like those living the facade of the matrix, be the hero like Neo.
Turn This into Fuel
“We’ve all been raised up on Television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars. But we won’t. And we are slowly learning the fact, and we are very, very pissed off”-
….Tyler Durden
This is classic symptoms that we have been sold our by the fairy tales expectations of life and “anything is possible” if you really want it motto big time and now we are all disappointed that life is after all not exiting, adventurous and the fun-filled road to achieving our ultimate aim of life. Do you feel hoodwinked and cheated by the age of 25- 35 that life has not turned out as you thought it would and really makes you frustrated?
It’s a good sign, use this anger and frustrations to break away the hurdles and move forward as positive outlook and optimism is seriously overrated, most of the motivation comes from failures and maybe you won’t end up being a rock star or a millennial movie star but you’ll definitely strive forward and achieve a hell lot more than you have right now.
Don’t Be Insane
“Madness is rare in individuals, but in groups, states, and societies its a norm”
….Fredrick Nietzsche
Human beings are basically tribal in nature with a herd mentality; we have evolved into group cohesion for survival in nature. The shrewd media companies and news use this emotion for their benefits. The whole idea of being a “team member” is blasé as we must think what has a team ever given to you in return?
How indoctrinated are you by the so-called mantras of society?
“If you find yourself on the side of the majority you should pause and reflect”
…Mark Twain
If you have an opinion on every relevant hot issues of the day then you are not a critical thinker but just a mascot because thinking independently appears difficult because it also comes with alienation and censure of the society which we fear. What would you rather prefer, being alone and free or being part of the mob? The choice is yours.
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Adapted from an article10 Life Quotes That (If Applied) Will Change the Way You See The World Forever on