There are many of us struggling to lose fat while others are having a hard time just to gain some weight. The people who can’t gain weight won’t succeed if they eat a lot of junk food. You would be advised to eat foods to gain weight and muscle containing healthy proteins and fats like nuts, avocado, salmon, etc. You can eat these products in a main dish, snack or garnish. You can build muscle by having these products in your diet but you must also get adequate exercise. These are muscle building foods which provide you the right amino acids and nutrients to build muscle but like a car with a full fuel tank, you won’t get far if you don’t start and allow it to move. Similarly, these nutrients act like the best fuel for your muscle building to bear fruit
1. Milk strengthens your bones and provides you energy
Milk contains a lot of nutrients like calcium, fats, carbs, whey proteins, casein, and many other vitamins. It has been proven by studies that drinking skim milk after a workout can help you build more muscles in comparison to a beverage containing soy protein. You can drink milk along with your meals even if you don’t train.
2. Homemade smoothies are better than store bought ones

A homemade protein smoothie is a healthy alternative to a store-bought smoothie. Here are some recipes.
Chocolate banana nut shake: Mix 1 banana with 2 cups of milk along with a single scoop of chocolate whey protein. Then add a tbsp. of peanut butter or some other nut butter.
Vanilla berry shake: Mix 2 cups of milk with a cup of frozen or fresh berries, ice and a cup of natural high protein yogurt. Mix a scoop of vanilla whey protein.
3. Avocados for maintaining healthy muscles

The king of healthy fats is avocados. Among foods to gain weight and muscle, Avocados are very rich in nutrition and it is very beneficial for your health. It is helpful for gaining weight as well as doesn’t have a high-calorie count. 332 calories, 17 grams fiber and 29 grams fat are present in a single avocado. If you want to start gaining weight, it is advisable to add avocado to your salads and sandwiches and even they are rich in vitamins K, C and E. Avocados are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fat.
4. Lean meats for muscle tissue building
Nutrients necessary for gaining weight and building muscles are present in lean meat. Creatine and leucine are present in red meat which stimulates muscle protein as well as building new muscle tissue. It even contains necessary proteins and fats for making you gain weight. However, consuming too much red meat can be unhealthy for you; leaner cut meats are much healthier for your heart in comparison to fattier cuts meats. A healthier meat alternative is turkey and chicken breast which are also rich in creatine and leucine as well as essential amino acids for muscle building and muscle recovery.
5. Nuts and nut butter for energy
One of the best foods to gain weight are nuts and nut butter. Almonds and other different types of nuts are rich in healthy fats, calories, and protein. They can be used in your salads and other healthy snacks for additional nutritional value. You should use nut butter for your sandwiches or you can mix it with your snacks.
6. Soybeans for oxygenating blood and post-exercise recovery

Soybeans can provide a good amount of vitamin K, phosphorus and iron to your body. Oxygen is stored and transported by the iron in our blood to various muscles in the body. 17 grams of carbs, 298 calories, 15 grams fat and 28 grams protein are present in a single cup of boiled soybeans. It even helps you to recover faster after exercising and also is a good anti-oxidant.
7. Tofu for proper muscle function

Tofu is a product of soymilk and many vegetarians use it as a substitute for meat. It is a healthy option for vegetarians and vegans. Leucine and calcium is present in this plant-based protein which helps in the proper functioning of muscles.
8. Salmon and oily fish for high-quality healthy fats

Oily fish can be a good source of healthy omega 3 fatty acids and even a high quality of protein. Salmon and tuna, etc. are not only beneficial for bodybuilding, but also contains a good amount of omega 3 fatty acids which are beneficial for health. Rice and vegetables mixed with such types of fish can be a very nutritious meal and among healthy foods to gain weight and muscle.
9. Scallops for a low-fat meal

Scallops can be a good choice if you don’t want to consume too many fats but have a high amount of protein. Scallops are rich in protein but have a small quantity of fat. 1100 grams of scallop contains half gram fat and 15 grams of protein.
10. Whole eggs for antioxidants

Many bodybuilders and athletes consider egg as the best of the best of muscle building foods to gain weight and build muscle. Healthy fats and high-quality protein is present within an egg. The yolk of an egg contains the most important and beneficial nutrients. If you don’t have any tolerance to egg, you can eat at least 3 eggs a day if you wish. However, there is a debate regarding eggs because of the cholesterol content in the yellow in which case goes easy on the yellow and consume boiled egg whites instead. This also depends on your own health condition and cholesterol issues if any.
11. Brown rice for extra calories with little fat

Better than white rice is brown rice, it is also a whole grain but richer in fiber, minerals, and vitamins. You get very little fats while receiving high amounts of carbs and calories. It can be consumed easily and is considered among good foods to gain weight and build muscle if you combine it with healthy vegetables and protein meals. You should not consume too much brown rice as the potential arsenic and phytic acid levels can be extremely dangerous for you. Phytic acid makes your body absorb less zinc and iron whereas arsenic can be toxic for you.
12. Buckwheat gives a muscle-building boost

Traditional flour like Buckwheat contains a lot of vitamins and mineral, thus making it famously good for your health. Magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin B and protein are present in high quantities in buckwheat. This food has the potential to promote the power of muscle-building of other sources of plant protein.
13. Beans and Lentils as muscle toning support
Beans are a good source of protein with low fat. A cup of cooked black beans or kidney beans contains 15 Gms of protein, high fiber, vitamin B, magnesium and iron. It is Vit.B that tones muscles and gives you a healthy appetite.
Lentils are an excellent source of protein and among foods to gain weight. and build muscle. One cup of lentils contains 18 Gms of protein and 40 Gms of carbs that are digested slowly. Brown, green and red lentils are all beneficial to choose from and give you a variety of flavors. Lentils also help regulate blood sugar and provide your body with energy.