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13 Practical Steps to Inner Peace

Even in the most trying circumstances, some people exude an inner calm that is gentle and accepting of their situation. These people also do not get angry often, nor do they need to prove themselves by indulging in any retribution. Such people are known to have found inner peace within themselves and the world in which they exist, while most of us probably go through a cloud of internal and external chaos.

Striving to make peace a priority is more about being than doing. All it takes is to focus on the task at hand while being fully present at the moment, and the rewards will be completely fulfilling. To foster inner peace, we must first practice specific actions to help us achieve and sustain it. These 13 practical actions can help you gain the inner peace you desire:

1. Don’t leave anything unresolved

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It’s always better to completely clear up any unresolved issues in your personal and professional life rather than leave them pending. Leaving them as it is will only result in more problems arising over time and your energy being drained as well. Remember that procrastinating over issues will only lead to you accumulating an emotional burden. Take action and set things in motion, and you will feel much better, like a weight has been lifted off your chest.


2. Don’t always resist things and learn to accept what is

Resisting and fighting against things will only block your positive and creative energy. Learn to detach yourself from a situation or person and view it from another perspective. Take a deep breath, let go of the illusion of control, and surrender yourself to accept. This way, the solution will reveal itself to you.

3. Learn to take full responsibility for your actions

Your behavior is often how you choose to be, and you cannot blame anyone else for it. It is essential to decide who you want to be in all circumstances and tune your mentality in that way. Even in heated situations, keep calm and respond in an unflappable manner. Step away when you feel the flames of anger rising and only return once you have calmed down.

4. Instead of ignoring feelings, be more aware of them and sensitive about them

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This applies to your feelings as much as it does to others. Just because emotions tend to be uncomfortable at times, shove them away. Try to understand what kind of message they are sending you. If you do not know why you have such feelings, they will return in more unpleasant ways, only disrupting your inner peace.

5. Tell the truth as it is

Always be accurate and precise about things authentically and gently to others and yourself. Lying about facts or editing them won’t do you any good. You can only achieve peace of mind when you stay true to your integrity.

6. Be aware of your higher self

Learn to bring about a distinction between the present, your past, your mind, ego, and needs. Understanding who you are and your joys, passions, values, goals, and integrity will only help make you more authentic, as you will better understand the things that define you as a person.

7. Try to avoid an adrenaline-fueled lifestyle

Adrenaline gives us the boost we need to prepare our bodies in the face of a threat. However, it is mainly used to help us power through the day. As such, being too dependent on adrenaline could potentially turn you into a workaholic or make you greedy and always want to be the best no matter the cost. You will be willing to ruin a good relationship, your health and peace of mind because of this. So, slow down and find a healthy balance in life.

8. Know what makes you flip

The first step in understanding why you react is recognizing the truth behind such feelings and then learning how to let go of them. Ask yourself why you feel this way repeatedly until the answer becomes clear. Then you can directly deal with it in a calm and relaxed manner.

9. Don’t step on anything, even the most trivial stuff

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Never ignore the slightest imbalances or tolerations in your life, and always be carefully attentive about relationships that have unresolved issues or cause frustration. While you cannot hope to change everything, you can still be at peace by simply healthily managing tolerations.

10. Peace and not performance should be your number one priority

We all have this one life to live, and it won’t do you any good to have to look back on your life and reminisce on the rapid pace at which it flew by, just because you were busy ticking stuff off your “to-do” lists. It would be much more worthwhile to reflect upon wonderful experiences, days of calm and joy, and great relationships. Inner peace has a profound impact on the world we live in too. In a sense, peace between countries, communities, and families begins with the individual. Once you find your inner peace, others will draw inspiration from you and begin to strive to find it for themselves too.

11. Search for relaxation techniques to practice

Making physical and mental relaxation a priority will only benefit you in the long run. It could be doing anything such as going on long walks, practicing yoga and meditation, or even taking long soaks in the tub. This wayfinding peace within yourself becomes much easier, and it even has a positive impact on the lives of those living with you. If you want to make relaxation truly enjoyable, then engage in the practice of mindfulness. This practice even helps you see the good in every little thing in your life, typically overlooked when you are too busy.

12. Keep your world clutter-free

When there is visibly less clutter outside, it automatically makes you feel less cluttered on the inside, making you feel at peace. Every day, dedicate some time to getting rid of stuff you don’t require. In doing so, it becomes easier to maintain a tidy and clean area in which you spend most of your time. With fewer distractions, you’ll have more time for things that matter, and you will also be more peaceful in life.

13. Sometimes, it’s okay to disconnect and escape for a while

Learn to get reacquainted with who you are by taking some time out every week and disconnecting yourself from technology. Go outside and explore, or go for a hike, a walk along the beach or lakefront, a nice picnic lunch, or you can even enjoy a relaxing soak in the bathtub surrounded by candles and with some soothing music playing. By disconnecting from things that steer you away from finding peace, you will find more fulfilment in life. Allow yourself to enjoy things that don’t involve technology. Let go of the negative thoughts that cloud your mind and try to relax and savor the things you love about your life and life in general.

So, what would you do to find inner peace for yourself?


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