Practicing yoga can definitely improve your ability to sleep. It has been scientifically proven by the methodological survey of regular yogis on a national basis. 55% of them claimed to have much better sleep quality and duration without any disturbances. Yoga for sleep puts your body through parasympathetic positions, which sends signals to your body as well as brains to start relaxing and sleep becomes the natural byproduct of this yogic postures. Here are some good postures which you can try too.
1. Easy supine twist

Also called spinal supine twist, this gentle twist calms the lower back. Resting on your back, try to bring your arms in the “T” shape in line with your shoulders, while dropping your knees to the right. You can place a pillow between your legs, to support your lower back. Try to keep your neck straight up towards the ceiling to minimize neck tension. Hold for ten breaths and repeat on the other side.
2. Happy baby pose (Ananda Balasana)

This position definitely proves that yoga for sleep is helpful as this hip-opening posture attacks fatigue and stress directly and releases the groin, spine and outer hips. Lie on your back, bend your knees towards your chest, grab your calves and gradually pull your knees towards your armpits. Try to keep your knees flat as they must stay parallel to the ceiling. You can place a pillow underneath your neck if you are suffering from a neck injury, this would keep your cervical line in a straight long line.
3. Supported child pose (Balasana)
This is perhaps the most popular and relaxing yogic position which enhances sleep. This yogic pose for sleep is calming and grounding and all you need to do is to sit on your heels, bring your big toes to touch and take your knees slightly wider than your hips.

Place a rolled blanket or pillows in front of you so that they are under your torso when you stretch. Turn your butt cheeks to the side and hold for 1-2 minutes, then change direction and turn your body on the other side. Do this and you’ll see how yoga for sleep helps you almost miraculously.