8 Signs a Deceased Loved One is Nearby According to Spirituals

Loosing someone is I think the worst form of separation you can have because its eternal. It could be your parents, friends, family, spouse, children even your loved and cherished pets! Death wrenches away our loved ones never to return them back and it can change lives for the rest of us. Many take years to move on and many are left to collect pieces for the rest of their lives.

This truth is known to everyone that we all have to leave this world one day but still the knowledge does nothing to lessen the pain and grief of the actual loss when it happens. To sooth our souls, most religions promise us the concept of hereafter, where are loved ones have gone and are happy and peaceful there. We may call it paradise or heaven, whether it exists or not, it sooths us to know that though they aren’t with us, our loved ones are happy and peaceful for all eternity. The concept of reincarnation says that a soul may be reborn as another human being to repeat the cycle of life. But what if the mutual love between the living and dead is so strong that they do not leave us and are always near us? Is it possible? Well, many spiritual gurus will agree to that. Here are 6 signs a deceased loved one is nearby.

Dreaming About a Deceased Loved One

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If you have near real dream of your passed on relative and the dreams are recurrent that means the soul is near you to comfort you and to make your pain lessen a bit. Although spiritual guides tell us there are various realms between the dead and the living, its during our sleep when we are open and vulnerable enough to be close to them and they can come close to us and make their presence felt by appearing in our dreams. Moreover, if the dreams feel very real and lucid and it keeps changing the location and environment and you have a conversation with them in the dream it’s a sure sign, they are around you.


Animals In Nature

Many people think that a loved one will manifest themselves as an animal or other creature. You might be drawn to a butterfly, a bird, or another animal for some reason. It’s possible that you’re only noticing something familiar about it. Strong indications that departed loved ones have been attempting to contact living family members include reports of typically scared animals approaching or even touching people.

Feeling Of Being Touched

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The sensation of being touched when you are ostensibly alone is a strong indicator that a deceased loved one could be nearby, albeit it may be startling. The deceased may attempt to touch you in a variety of ways, such as with a kiss, a brush through your hair, or even a pat on the back or arm. This indicator is frequently noticed when there is a person nearby. Many people think that when a room’s energy shifts and you unpredictably feel touched, it’s your friend or relative trying to reach out to you.

Feeling or Smelling Them

If the deceased was very close to you like your spouse or your child you were well aware of their tiniest touch and smells. Unfortunately, when they are no more, they are also equally attached to you and want to leave some traces behind so that you do not forget them and feel them around you. So, you might smell a whiff of your granny in the kitchen for a second or dad’s favorite aftershave in the bathroom. Don’t get freaked out as its their way of saying we are here and keeping a watch over you. That’s not all sometime you might feel a gentle touch or soft caress on your arms or back to make you feel their love brimming from the other side of the divide.

Flickering Lights or Other Electrical Malfunctions

After a loved one has recently passed away, we are so engrossed in our pain and grief that we fail to see the signs they keep sending to show they are still near you. Flickering of electrical lights, or a sudden malfunction of electronic gadgets are classic sign as they can easily manipulate electrical waves to catch your attention. This has actually become a common trope in Hollywood movies to create fear but it is not necessarily malevolent.

A flickering light, or a sudden change in radio signals and TV receptions could indicate the presence of a spirit. Cable boxes and clocks turning off by themselves are also indicators of friendly paranormal phenomena.

Finding Objects in Strange Locations

After a recent demise in the family people often complain that their regular items such as watches or key chains even tooth brushes are lost and found in weird places. They put the blame on their grief and lack of focus due to sadness and think they themselves must have misplaced it and forgot about it. But they do not realize their disappearance and their reappearance in a different location means the your loved one wants to distract you from the constant pain and make you feel better by being a bit playful.

Unknown Phone Calls

Besides electrical waves, spirits can easily manipulate radio waves. They try different ways to reach out to you if you are too engrossed in grief to notice their prior subtle hints of their presence. Many people have claimed to have received unknown phone calls at odd times and when they pick up there’s no one on the other side but constant static. This phenomenon repeats itself in many households, which can scare you but in reality, you should not be scared. It’s a friendly spirit trying to get your attention or may be trying to listen your voice as they miss and love you too.

Hearing Their Voice

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Hearing the disembodied voice of your loved one is a shocking and scary experience. This is called clairaudience and it has been reported by many family members who have lost their loved ones tragically in the recent past. This phenomenon actually takes place externally and you feel that your loved one is calling out your name or telling something to you or trying to give you message. Many spiritual mediums actually encourage the bereaved families to speak up to their lost relatives  and lo and behold people have actually got a tangible intelligent response from the other side!

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