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Vitamin C Deficiency: 10 Early Signs and Symptoms

Vitamin C is crucial for our body’s healthy functioning. The problem is  Vitamin C does not remain in the body for long, and its deprivation can lead to a low quality of life and a depleted sense of well-being. Vitamin C deficiency, also known as scurvy, can potentially lead to several symptoms. However, it’s important to note that scurvy is a relatively rare condition in developed countries where diets are generally varied and provide sufficient amounts of vitamin C. There are ways in which we can enrich our system with this crucial Vitamin by incorporating it into our daily diets. Here are some tips for recognizing signs of vitamin C deficiency.

1. Your gums are often swollen and bleeding.

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If you have swollen gums or regular bleeding while brushing, there is a high chance you have developed a condition called gingivitis. This directly results from a lack of Vitamin C in the system. Apart from good oral hygiene, also take high dosages of vitamin C as it’s crucial for gum health.  Speak to your doctor first for a prescribed dosage. For bleeding gums, Harvard Health says the experts suggest increasing your vitamin C for good measure, by eating more foods like kale, oranges, peppers, and kiwis, or from a daily 100-mg to 200-mg vitamin C supplement.

Read all about Gingivitis and treatment here


2. You bruise very easily, and your wounds take forever to heal


Among signs of vitamin deficiency, if you are highly prone to skin injuries and bruises at the drop of a hat and the bruises take ages to heal, it means that your system lacks Vitamin C. Fortunately, if you can incorporate a high number of citrus fruits and juices in your daily diet, your body will start producing more collagen, which is crucial for  healing injuries. Vitamin C plays a crucial role in collagen synthesis. Inadequate intake of vitamin C over an extended period can impair collagen production, leading to weakened connective tissues, including those in joints.

Bottom line: Your body needs collagen: Collagen is made up from the amino acids that make collagen—glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. Foods rich in collagen are: Fish, poultry, meat, eggsdairylegumes, and soy.

Collagen production also requires nutrients like zinc that is found in shellfish, legumes, meats, nuts, seeds, and whole grains; and vitamin C from citrus fruits, berries, leafy greens, bell peppers, and tomatoes.

3. Your hair is brittle and falls out easily.

Every day we lose some hair, which is normal, but if you notice massive hair loss and breakage, it means your hair is brittle and weak. This could be one of the signs of vitamin C deficiency in your body. So, before you burn a hole in your pocket getting expensive hair treatments and cosmetics, try eating food rich in Vitamin C instead. You do not need supplements as Vitamin C is available in many food products like kiwi and broccoli.

4. You have frequent joint pain.

Chronic joint pain is probably the earliest sign of vitamin C deficiency, irrespective of age. Vitamin C is a powerful anti-oxidant, and lack of it means inflammation in joints and muscles which is very painful and sometimes debilitating. Make Vitamin C a daily part of your dietary routine to spare yourself from such agony. While joint pain can be a symptom of scurvy, it is usually accompanied by other signs such as fatigue, weakness, easy bruising, gum disease, poor wound healing, and skin changes. If you suspect a vitamin C deficiency or are experiencing joint pain, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

5. You are getting sick constantly, and your immunity could be boosted.

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If you are prone to regular cold and flu bouts, your immunity has taken a serious hit and cannot defend your body from bacteria and viruses. Vitamin C here is again a hero as it boosts the generation of white blood cells, which fight infections and any foreign intruders in our system. So, if you are constantly ill with something, it is time to start peeling those oranges and kiwis and munching them down, as there is no tomorrow.

6. You’ve gained weight for no apparent reason.

You have not had any major biological or lifestyle changes like pregnancy or surgeries, but still, you are gaining weight without any reason; it might be one of the signs of vitamin C deficiency. Research has shown a direct link between low Vitamin C and high body fat, particularly nasty belly fat. Vitamin C helps the body naturally burn the extra fat in our body. So, incorporate citrus fruits and juices into your daily diet and snacks.

Read here: How to lose weight fast

7. You feel sleepy and tired during the day.

Now this is a curve ball, you are getting a full night’s sleep, but still, you are lethargic and sluggish the whole day and not feeling energetic; this means your body is seriously depleted of Vitamin C. Fatigue and exhaustion is prime signs of vitamin C deficiency. if you adjust this vitamin daily in your diet you see the change yourself, so ditch the 10 cups of coffee to be energized and have a kiwi instead.

8. Your skin looks dry and dull.

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Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant, which means it helps protect the skin from damage caused by harmful free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage collagen, elastin, and other components of the skin, leading to premature aging and the formation of wrinkles. By neutralizing free radicals, vitamin C helps to maintain a more youthful and healthy-looking complexion.

Vitamin C can help brighten the skin and improve uneven skin tone. It inhibits the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for dark spots and hyperpigmentation. Regular use of vitamin C can help fade dark spots, reduce the appearance of age spots, and promote a more even complexion.

Moreover, Vitamin C is the prime producer of Collagen, a protein that provides structure and elasticity to the skin. Collagen helps maintain the skin’s firmness and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. By promoting collagen synthesis, vitamin C helps support skin elasticity and improve overall skin texture. If you are not getting enough of the Vitamin, collagen secretion will be low. As a result, your skin starts looking dull and lifeless. That’s why there are so many skin serums in the market full of vitamin C extract. But, you don’t need all that. Just make sure you get more natural vitamin C in your diet, and it will give you far better results and glowing skin as a reward.

9. You have frequent nosebleeds.

Nose bleeding is not dangerous and life-threatening; nonetheless, it’s very disturbing and alarming. If you are prone to regular nose bleeding, you are seriously lacking Vitamin C. It can be medically explained as our nose being full of tiny blood vessels that become weak and burst in case of stress or extreme weather conditions, leading to bleeding. Vitamin C makes these blood vessels strong so they do not rupture easily, stopping the nose bleeding for good.

10. Your nails are thin and weak.

Thin and brittle nails could mean a sign of vitamin C deficiency.  besides other factors, thin and brittle nails mean your body is deficient in iron.  This can result in anemia which is a direct result of Vitamin C depletion in the system. If nail strengtheners have failed you, try incorporating iron and vitamin C-enriched food items, like green leafy vegetables and fruits. This will improve your overall health and fix your nail issues as well.

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