
This is Your Greatest Gift, Yet You Don’t Know It.

‘If you don’t value god’s greatest gift to you, which you is, yourself, why will he give you anything else’

Do you know? Your greatest gift is you, yet you don’t know it. There are many people around the world who suffer from conditions of self loathing, self pity, and low self esteem.  We too at times feel we aren’t good enough, harbor depressive and suicidal thoughts just because we may feel that we are losers and not fit to live. Why do we need to feel this way?

In life, there are no losers, and that’s because we choose to be the way we want to live. Given the fact that yes! there are many people who genuinely suffer emotional disorders, but the moment you reach out and seek help, it is a small step to recovery. This is because you don’t really want to feel that way, you love your life and want to do something about it.


God’s Greatest Gift Is You, So Don’t Abuse It

In the same context, call it the supreme one, call him God, call it the Universal Consciousness, by this entity, you have been given an extremely precious gift,  which is life. Life is a unique condition where you as an individual are made aware of yourself and your position in this universe. Though we may be a tiny speck of existense, we still have a mindful consciousness of who we are. Abusing this gift of yourself as something worthless to throw away is like blasphemy.  You have been given a beautiful life and the opportunity to know your family, your friends, and the world. You have received the greatest gift of seeing the beauty of the earth and universe around you. You have been given something profoundly valuable. Why would you decrease its value to something worthless?

Nobody Is Worthless; It’s Just the Way You Think Which Needs to Change

Never feel that you are worthless because you aren’t. When you experience the condition of low self esteem it could be the result of several disappointments. But look at it this way. As long as you have the greatest gift of life, then you also posses the chance to pick yourself up and move forward. When you appreciate yourself, you increase your own self worth and confidence to improve in life. Why should God keep answering your prayers to every little thing? He has given you a powerful tool to accomplish your visions and goals in this life however small they may be. It isn’t any hard and fast rule to achieve your goals in one go.  

Neither is it required of you to become wealthy. Just because you don’t, doesn’t make you a loser. You must always keep trying to do well and the moment you act like you’ve lost means you undervalue yourself. God’s greatest gift of life becomes nothing more than a living shell.

Loving Yourself

Seriously? self loathing is no point. Your life on earth should not be measured by the value others place upon you but YOU, yourself. Too often we measure our achievements by comparing ourselves with others. Life isn’t valued by material wealth but by character, and spiritual well being. It isn’t wealth that can bring you happiness. Though money is necessary, it should be a means to survival, not the means to happiness. Happiness is only when you learn to love yourself. As the famous singer Whitney Houston said in one of her songs

Learning to love yourself
It is the greatest love of all

As long as you learn to appreciate your own efforts and god’s greatest gift of yourself. You will always be content and a happy human being. You won’t need to ask for anything more.
(previously published on quotes empire)


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