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10 Early Warning Signs of Stroke That Can Affect Youngsters Too

If you think that warning signs of stroke appear only in old people, you’re wrong. Doctors have stated that strokes can now attack any person at any age. One example of a youngster dying from a stroke is Katie May. She passed away in February 2016 and was only 34 years old.

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During a photoshoot, Katie had collapsed and later expired in the hospital. She had thought that one of her nerves were pinched but it was actually the stroke that caused her death. Here is a list of early warning signs of stroke that can attack youngsters too.

1. Impaired, Blurred or Loss of Vision

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You may experience blurry or impaired vision before you have a stroke.  It is not similar to losing that sensation, but more than 44% of people in the UK have a strong experience of this symptom before having a stroke.


2. Sudden Bouts of Dizziness and Headache

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According to doctors, dizziness in women below the age of 45 is a major sign before having a stroke.  If you have a sudden sensation of dizziness, blackout or head-swing, stop doing everything and look for medical help.

3. Incoherent language

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One of the early signs of stroke is speaking in gibberish. It may start by being confused in figuring out whether it is night or day.  You may murmur or talk as if you’re completely disturbed. This can gradually lead to a state where you cannot speak and everything seems confusing.

4. Sudden Weakness in Limbs

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Another strong sign of stroke is a surprising sensation of limpness or weakness in the legs and arms. In a few cases, you may feel a nerve pinch which usually leads to collapsing or blacking out.  In most reports, the side of the brain which experiences the stroke may get paralyzed.

A good test for stroke is to extend your arms outwards such that your palms face upwards for 10 seconds. If one of your arm falls, this indicates muscle weakness and the possibility of you having a stroke,.

5. Pain in One Side of Your Face

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This is an uncommon symptom of stroke where you may experience pain in your limbs and even in your face. This is one of the warning signs of stroke before you experience one.

6. Headache and Migraines

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One of the common signs of stroke is a sharp painful migraine. According to one study conducted on 588 people, most youngsters experience a sharp headache before getting attacked by a stroke. In such circumstances, it has been proven that women are more prone to strokes than men. If you experience this, get an MRI done instantly.

7. Facial Weaknesses or Droopy Face


If you exp

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erience a droopy or semi-paralyzed sensation on one side of your face, this is a dangerous symptom and is one of the preceding warning signs of stroke

8. Fatigue

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Studies have proven that stroke victims are usually anaemic. It is also more likely for women to experience confusion, disorientation, fatigue and exhaustion compared to men. Another stroke indicator would be an alerted mental state.

9. Hiccups

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Most women suffer from this symptom as one of the signs of stroke. Hiccuping is a symptom experienced before getting a stroke. This is caused when the stroke attacks the centre of the brain instead of attacking the sides.

10. Shortness of Breath and Palpitations

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A stroke can cause shortness of breath, fatigue, and breathing difficulty. This can even cause an increase in heartbeats or heart palpitations which can be caused by insufficient oxygen levels in the body. This is common in women but it should not be ignored and one should get medical help as soon as possible.

You can prevent strokes by following a healthy lifestyle and having sufficient rest. One should also maintain a healthy weight and reduce or avoid alcohol consumption. Smoking is a big contributor to stroke in youngsters and should be stopped immediately.


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