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7 Signs Your Liver Is Full of Toxins

One of the most functional and hardworking organs in the body is your liver. This is an inbuilt toxin remover which has more than 500 functions according to the textbooks. Since you know your liver performs many functions, you need to start taking care of it? Here’s how to recognize the signs your liver is full of toxins.

1.  Liver area pain

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Among signs your liver is full of toxins, there may be some problem in your liver if you feel achy near the upper right area of your abdomen. It is usually a dull pain. Sometimes, it can become very intense. The job of the liver is to filter out the toxins and detoxify the body as well as absorb nutrition from the food and filter out its waste products. The functionality of your liver is affected when your liver suffers from a disease. It sends a sign of toxicity by pain and swelling painfully.

2. Leg and ankle swelling


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One of the signs your liver is full of toxins is leg swelling. If you ignore this issue, the liver tries repairing itself by the formation of scar tissue over it. It is hard for the liver to function if it contains too much scar tissue leading to portal hypertension. Scar tissues make fluid accumulates in the legs which is known as edema. Although the swelling is painless but your calves, thighs and legs will be affected. Gravity makes this effect more distinct as the lower body is swollen.


3. Gaining weight

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Every year the number of people that want to start a healthy and fit lifestyle are increasing but they still have problems with their weight. Experiencing weight gain which is not caused by hormone malfunction or overeating. You should consult a doctor about this problem.

The liver cannot manage all the toxins entering the body like artificial sweeteners, alcohol, etc. The liver can only store the unfiltered toxins into fat cells. This fat will not be reduced until you have completely cleaned your liver out.

4. Allergies

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Among signs your liver is full of toxins, a liver which has been overloaded and sluggish can be caused by allergies. When too many substances enter your bloodstream, your brain would consider them as allergens causing them to release anti-bodies and chemicals which can be the reason behind itchy rashes. A healthy liver would clean the blood out perfectly and eliminate the effects an allergen can have on the body.

5. Yellow skin and yellow eyes

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If a person’s skins or eyes turn yellow, they consider it to be jaundice. Jaundice isn’t a sickness but instead, it’s a symptom of malfunction. Jaundice appears when the liver which is sick accumulates bilirubin- the yellow pigment that is the result of dead red blood cells in the liver.

6. Chronic fatigue

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As one of the signs your liver is full of toxins, chronic fatigue syndrome is somewhat similar to prolonged flu or some other illness. You should experience the symptoms 6 months before you are diagnosed with this syndrome. The energy supply in the body is supported largely by the liver. The glucose is converted into glycogen and then it is stored in the body and used later. A liver which is healthy releases glucose when your body needs energy and nourishment. A liver which is not healthy has not many places to store glycogen and can neither produce glucose.

7. Skin blemishes

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If you find that there are an excessive amount of skin blemishes or minute skin eruptions such as tiny spots on the skin called liver spots, or age spots and chances are that these are also signs your liver is full of toxins and needs a detox immediately.

If you liked this article, you can read a similar one too here:  10 Innocent Signs Your Body Is Full of Toxins

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