6 Foods That Can Fight Inflammation And Relieve Joint Pain.

Do you suffer from stiffness, aching knees and painful joints?  Well apart from medication, you can also increase various foods for joint pain that affects millions worldwide. According to research by the CDC (center for disease control and prevention), it was found that between 2013-2015 almost 52 million people suffered from some form of arthritis or the other in the US alone.

In 2014, about 14 million said they suffered from severe joint pain which was caused by inflammation. Remedies for such problems included exercise and supplements. But!! Nutrition matters, which is why these foods for joint pain should be considered as part of your daily diet. However, since one person’s sensitivity to food could be anti-inflammatory for another,  It would be best to consult a doctor for severe joint pain and find out about foods that relieve joint pain too.


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Pineapple is rich in Vitamin C and a real star among anti-inflammatory foods for joint pain. Pineapple contains Bromelain which according to studies is as effective as ibuprofen for treating pain in osteoarthritis. Research also observed that bromelain reduced inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis, according to the Arthritis Foundation. If you dislike pineapple, you can eat papaya which also contains the substance.



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Several published studies prove the beneficial properties of omega 3 fatty acids in inflammation, weight loss, cognitive function and overall health. Omega 3’s found in fish like salmon, reduce inflammation by blocking COX (Cyclooxygenase) and LOX (lipoxygenase), enzymes that cause free radical activity and generate inflammation.

Omega 3’s are not produced by the human body and is derived from food. This means you need to ensure your daily diet contains an adequate dose of omega 3’s for optimum health. 2 – 5 servings of fish per week should be consumed depending on the level of inflammation. Fish rich in Omega 3 fatty acids include salmon, mackerel, herring, and sardines. Omega 3 fatty acids are also available as fish oil supplements.


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Turmeric has an abundance of health benefits because of an active compound called Curcumin. It is among the best foods for joint pain where studies have proved the efficiency of curcumin in preventing cancer, reducing blood pressure and fighting inflammation. Studies in the University of Arizona found that curcumin protects against joint deterioration and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis. To enjoy turmeric benefits, you can add it to your food two to three times a week, say experts. You can also consider curcumin supplements.

Health note: Turmeric can act as a blood thinner; consult your doctor before adding it to your diet or taking turmeric supplements.


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Ginger contains the active substance Gingerol which several small studies have proven to be effective in reducing inflammation and joint pain. Research at the University of Miami observed how regular doses of highly concentrated gingerol reduced knee pain in osteoarthritis by 40%. Eat a spoonful or two of raw ginger daily or boil water with ginger when brewing tea.


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Research has proven cherries among good foods for joint pain because of ingredients called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins have been proven to fight gout attacks which are a form of arthritis. Cherries also possess anti-inflammatory properties to reduce the symptoms of arthritis and reduce joint pain. Other fruits rich in anthocyanins are blueberries, blackberries and strawberries.


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Garlic is just about good for anything and is undoubtedly one of the best foods for joint pain. Next time you cook a meal,  it wouldn’t hurt to throw in some extra garlic. The active ingredient in garlic is allicin which besides being beneficial for a number of health conditions, also alleviates symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Garlic is also a great immunity booster. Research has found that consuming raw garlic is more beneficial than cooked garlic as heating garlic reduces its efficiency

An ideal diet for those suffering from arthritis should consist of foods for joint pain such as fruits, olive oil, vegetables, fish, nuts and legumes. Such ingredients are the key components of the Mediterranean diet which may also help in reducing and preventing the symptoms of arthritis in men and women. Avoid red meat, sugar and saturated fats that can aggravate the inflammation further.


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5 years ago

Thank u my dad has a lot of joint Pain

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